If you...
Autor: Eliza Ungur  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 14/09/2006

If you can breathe, if you can feel,
If you have health and you’re not ill,
Then give to God your thanks and praise
’Cause all you have is by His grace!

If there are friends ’round you today
Ready to help,for you to pray,
Rejoice and let your heart be glad
’Cause you are rich! Do not forget!

If you prosper in all you do
Then know for sure:God is with you!
May His presence in your life be
Your joy,delight,for eternity!

If sometime’s hard victorious to live
Do not give up,you must believe
That Jesus will not let you fall
If you trust Him with all your soul!

If you face trials in your way,
God’s Word forever firm will stay!
Whatever there is day or night
Jesus is always by your side.

Then sing for God and for His glory
The Only One Who’s great and holy
His reign is what now you proclaim
’Cause you are blessed in Jesus Name!!

Very nice! "God Bless You"
Adăugat în 15/08/2008
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