Without Your Grace, Amazing Grace
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: Traduceri  |  Tematica: Incurajare
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 28/11/2021
1. Without Your Grace without Your Mercy,
My Lord, my Savior, I’ll be lost,
I would remain unfound, unworthy,
But at the cross, You paid the cost.

Choir: Without Your Grace, Amazing Grace,
Today I’d be in the same darkest place,
Without Your Grace, Amazing Grace,
Today I’d be in the same darkest place.

2. If wasn’t Your great love, ah, Father,
I wouldn’t be Your Child today,
I wouldn’t be Jesus's brother,
I wouldn’t know the Truth, the Way.

3. If wasn’t Your white cloak of mercy,
That clothed my naked soul from cold,
So many waves of sin would hurt me,
So many sorrows would unfold.

4. If weren’t the rugged cross and thorns,
And for Your spilled pure blood for me,
I would have died in angry storms,
I would have lost Eternity.
This is a poetic translation of the song "De n-ar fi Har" Muzica si versuri, Mia Iovin- deviations from the meaning of the original are present (extra words, extra or omitted information, substituted concepts).
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