The Son of Man
Autor: Marin Mihalache  |  Album: Homo Liturgicus  |  Tematica: Nașterea Mântuitorului
Resursa adaugata de marin2016 in 21/12/2021
He was born before ages
The Logos incarnated
Comprehensible containing
The incomprehensible
The Holy Spirit descended
In womb of the Virgin.

The angels of heavens
Even the fallen ones
Have recognized Him
Not only as a man
But as the Son of Man.

Stronger than the winds
Softer than angels
Though He could fly
Like eagles soaring
He chose to walk
On foot like apostles
So that the man
His fellow brother
Seeing God walking
On His footsteps
Will stride along.

Souls entangled
By their own wings
In the burrows of night
Still seeking the living
Among the dead.
The tomb is empty
His glory conquering
Even if He had only
Armies of angels
With many wings
Which in the holy
Night of his birth
Have been seen.

As the virgin mother
Was shedding tears of joy
Praising the heavenly Father
For the birth of the Son
The cross was already
Hanging over the crib
Of the manger in the cave
And the newly born child
Was weeping, crying loudly,
Calling his heavenly father
"Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachtani."

Who the sons of man are
If for their salvation
The only Son of God
Has been incarnated
And has become man
And suffered and died
For man on the cross?

Închinare aducem Celui ce a ales să-Și lase pentru o vreme slava cerească coborându-Se între oameni cu cel mai înalt țel al salvării, iertării, restaurării ,glorificat să-I fie Numele! Mulțumiri, și sărbători binecuvântate, mare har pentru vremea viitoare în tot ce v-a fost încredințat slujirii divine. LA MULȚI ANI!
Adăugat în 21/12/2021 de floridinmaracineni
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