Beyond Mere Existence
Autor: M.S.Lowndes  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de cristianusz in 11/08/2007
Why does it seem so easy
To slowly grow so cold?
To lose that fire we once had known
That burned within our souls

We start to lose the joy
And life becomes a bore
We just live from day to day
With no hope in the Lord

We give up on the dreams
We once had in our hearts
We settle down to mere existence
Alone within the dark

Oh God our spirits yearn
To know you so much more
We don’t want to just exist
But know you as before

To feel your presence in our lives
And a new song on our lips
To walk in victory every day
O Lord, we long for this

Come, O God, and touch us
Ignite us once again
That we will burn with holy zeal
More than we had back then

Fill us with your spirit Lord
And we shall be renewed
So joy can be restored to us
With brand-new hope in you.
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