What Is Your Stronghold?
Autor: M.S.Lowndes  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de cristianusz in 11/08/2007
Pull down all the strongholds
That’s there in your life
So you may enter the promise land
And have the victory of Christ

For you’ll never fully enter
Into what God has in store
If you never overcome the struggles
That keeps knocking at your door

He wants to bring you deeper
To a new level in Him
But we need to deal with the issues
The hindrances and the sins

For truly it’s a stronghold
That we need to overcome
To be released to our full potential
And continue what God’s begun

Although it seems beyond us
A mountain to big to climb
God only asks us to trust Him
To take one step at a time

For He will walk beside you
Fighting the enemy
We just need to keep pressing on
To receive the victory

Then each time you’re faced with
A stronghold in your life
Don’t run away but press on through
With faith in Jesus Christ.
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