Knowing things
Autor: Miriam Cuibus  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de mimi4Jesus in 26/10/2007
Why do people think I am wrong?
Why do people think my faith is not strong?
Why do people say:"You're just to young to understand?
Don't they know I know what Jesus meant?

Maybe I don't have experience
But I too got deliverence
Maybe I am weak
But because of that I am here to seek

I know that I am not strong
I know that I am sometimes wrong
But I either know that I have everything
Though I was never giving anything

I need Him day be day
No matter what people say
He's my love, my joy, my light
Although sometimes clouds cover my sight

He will never forget about me
I recognized, felt and I see
How He is pouring joy on my life
I know this is the biggest triumph...
De multe ori auzeam ca tinerii nu au ce sa se bage in chestii de ei nu au experienta. Cu poezia asta am vrut sa spun...stiu ca sunt pitica, stiu ca mai am mult de invatat...dar stiu ca Dumnezeu ma iubeste asa cum sunt....
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