I Want to Live
Autor: Alexandru Marius  |  Album: English poetry  |  Tematica: Rugăciune
Resursa adaugata de mariusalex in 03/11/2023
"Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.
Before you were born I set you apart" declares The Lord,
and what He says it's always true,
He Is The Truth, He Is The Word.

I'm known by Him,
and I'm alive,
I want to live,
I want to thrive.

I'm set apart,
I am His child,
I am alive,
I have a heart,
I want to live, to cry, to smile, to laugh.

He made me in His perfect image,
and who are you to say otherwise?
His plan for me is written, finished,
I want to live,
No compromise.

Don't kill me, please,
I am alive,
I want to live,
I want to see the mountains, seas,
and all my love to you to give.

You are my mom,
I hear your voice,
When you are praying, I am calm,
I am alive,
I want to live,
I am alive,
It's not a choice.

Please look at me through the eyes of love,
and let our hearts beat together,
Get wisdom and get power from above,
I am alive,
I want to live,
Don't kill me, never, never, never...
Inspired by he Singer-songwriter Eveline Nachtegaele's song that was written in the dead of night as Eveline heard the cries of babies so vividly that it woke her up. Going to the piano the song was written in just a few minutes and was a pivotal turning point in her life. How could we be deaf to the cries of children and indifferent to the reality of what abortion on demand was doing to our world? Eveline has spent the last 25 years as Chaplain at her local county jail where she ministers to the addicted and mentally ill of her community and in Texas prisons where she and co-founder of Loves Gate Ministry Kevin Cadenhead have provided Christian praise and worship concerts. https://youtu.be/o83SChjccfI?si=0dKfeURVzniGdKZM
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