When pain comes
Autor: George Cornici  |  Album: Versuri printre pelerini  |  Tematica: Diverse
Resursa adaugata de geocornic in 27/01/2024
When pain comes to test you
Don’t worry, it’s going to be okay.
Whatever the case you go through.

There is always a way
Of getting to the other side
Where you’ll see flowers of May.

From it you can not hide
So be brave and accept it
To its goal try to abide.

The healing will be complete
In fact, better than expected
You’ll be again on your feet.

You’ll be with joy connected
Song and strength will be back
And you’ll be more protected.

Pain, of course, it’s not attack
It’s a mission and a guide
That’s why it may be back…

To help you in every stride
Towards your destination
Of the most beautiful ride…

Decorated with satisfaction
And peace coming from Above
Ornated with Lord’s protection…

And His indescribable Love.
GC/July 2023
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