Autor: Florin T. Cimpean  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 23/03/2008
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Cel mai bun vinzator de Biblii era bilbiit: se ducea la usa omului si intreba: "Vvvreeii sa cumperii bbbbibliia acum, sau vrei sa ti-o citesc eu"
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God made. Adam bit, Noah arked, Abraham split, Joseph ruled, Jacob fooled. Bush talked, Moses balked, Pharaoh plagued, people walked, sea divided, tablets guided, promise landed. Saul freaked, David peeked, prophets warned, Jesus born. God walked, love talked, anger crucified, hope died. Love rose. Spirit flamed. Word spread. God remains.
Samuel Chadwick.Mi-am condus viata dupa Biblie mai bine de 60 de ani si va spun ca nu este carte ca ea. Este un miracol al literaturii, un izvor continuu de intelepciune, o sursa uimitoare de surpize, o revelatie a misteriosului, un ghid infailibil de comportament si o sursa incontestabila de comfort. Nu da atentie oamenilor care o discrediteaza, deoarece ei vorbesc fara sa cunoasca. Este cuvintul lui Dumnezeu perfect. Studiaz-o neincetat, traieste dupa princiipiile ei. Crede mesajul ei. Urmeaza-I preceptele. Nici un om care cunoaste Biblia nu este needucat, si nimeni nu este intelept fara sa-I cunoasca invataturile."
Chadwick from 1001 Great Stories and Quotes. R. Kent Hughes. (Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1998) p. 77]
2. CARTEA CONSUMATA NE VA FACE INCONFORTABILI – APOC. 10:10 "Am luat am mincat-o...,dar dupa ce am mincat-o mi s-a umplut pintecele de amaraciune" Ezek. 3:14 "Cind m-a rapit Duhul si m-a luat, mergeam amarit si minios si mina Domnului apasa tare peste mine"
3. CARTEA CONSUMATA CONDUCE LA TREZIRE 2IMPARATI 22:10-11 "Safan, logofatul, a mai spus imparatului: "Preotul Hilchia mi-a dat o carte" Si Safan a citit-o inaintea imparatului.
Cind a auzit imparatul cuvintele din cartea legii, si-a sfisiat hainele."
Neemia 8:5 "Ezra a deschis cartea inaintea intregului popor... si cind a deschis-o tot poporul s-a sculat"
2Timotei 3:16 "Toata Scriptura este insuflata de Dumnezeu si de folos ca sa invete, sa muster, sa indrepte, sad ea intelepciune in neprihanire 17. Pentruca omul lui Dumnezeu sa fie desavirsit si cu totul destoinic pentru orice lucrare buna."
Ioan 17:17 "Sfinteste-I prin Adevarul tau; Cuvintul Tau este adevarul!"
4. CARTEA CONSUMATA FORTIFICA IMUNITATEA NOASTRA SPIRITUALA PSALM 119:11 "String cuvintul tau in inima mea, ca sa nu pacatuiesc impotriva ta!" v. 11 "Cum isi va tinea tinarul curate cararea? Indreptindu-se dupa Cuvintul Tau"
5. CARTEA CONSUMATA NE FACE SENSIBILI LA PREZENTA LUI DUMNEZEU EVREI 4:12 "Caci Cuvintul lui Dumnezeu este viu si lucrator mai taietor decit orice sabie cu doua taisuri: patrunde pina acolo ca desparte sufletul si duhul, incheieturile si maduva, judeca simtirile si gindurile inimii."
6. CARTEA CONSUMATA CONDUCE LA SUCCESS IOSUA 1:8 "Cartea aceasta a legii sa nu se departeze de gura ta; cugeta asupra ei zi si noapte, cautind sa faci tot ce este scris in ea; caci atunci vei izbindi in toate lucrarile tale, si atunci vei lucra cu intelepciune."
7. CARTEA CONSUMATA NE FACE FACTORI DE TRANSFORMARE 3:1 "Fiul omului, maninca ce vei gasi inaintea ta, maninca sulul acesta si du-te de vorbeste casei lui Israel!
V. 27 "Dar cind iti voi vorbi, iti voi dechide gura, ca sa le spui: " Asa vorbeste Domnul Dumnezeu: "Cine vrea sa asculte sa asculte; cine nu vrea, sa n-asculte!
Peter Nearson, in his book The Priority of Knowing God, tells a story of about a man in India named Rahmad. Rahmad belonged to a gang of burglars, one night they were ransacking a house and Rahmad saw a book with a black cover and thin, gold-edged pages sitting there, and he thought, Man, that would be good for rolling cigarettes. So he swiped it. And for many nights he got into a ritual, every night he\'d tear a page out of that book, pack some tobacco in it and roll it up and have a smoke. One night he noticed that the small words on the page were in his language, so he decided every night when he ripped out a page, he\'d read it and then roll a cigarette. And he did, for many, many nights. Aahhh, then one night God got him. He ripped out the page, read it, never got around to rolling a cigarette, fell to his knees, asked Jesus to forgive him for his sins and accepted Christ as his savior. Truth is always unto goodness. And so what Rahmad did then, much to the astonishment of the police was he walked into the police station,and gave himself up and confessed to all of his crimes and wound up in prison. But truth is always unto goodness. There in that prison serving out his time, Rahmad, the former burglar, now follower of Jesus Christ, led many other men to the Savior.

Dr. W.A. Criswell tells of a small N.T. that was taken from the breast-pocket of a fallen American soldier in Vietnam, a young boy from Georgia. When Mr. Pat Zondervan held up that New Testament before the congregation of the First Baptist Church of Dallas, Dr. Criswell could see the light of a bullet hole through its middle. Later, when Dr. Criswell held it in his hands, he saw that the pages were stained with the blood of that fallen soldier. Flipping through it, he found an inscription in the back that had survived intact. It read, \"On this date, I Wilton Thomas take Jesus Christ as my personal Savior.\" Then it was signed and dated by the hand of that young man. That is what the Bible is for. It is not to amaze us with its scientific accuracy or impress us with its historical integrity, but to lead us to a personal knowledge of God through Jesus Christ as Savior
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