So Send I You
Autor: Terry Crisp  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
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                         So Send I You                                         

John 20:21 ... "Then said Jesus unto them, ‘Peace be unto you: AS MY FATHER
HATH SENT ME, SO SEND I YOU.’ And when He had said this, He breathed upon
them, and said, ‘RECEIVE YE THE HOLY GHOST: whose soever sins ye remit, they are
remitted unto them and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.’"
What an awesome experience this must have been! If you’re familiar with the narrative,
then you’ll recall that at this point in the story Jesus had already been crucified, buried,
and resurrected. Now, as He appeared to His disciples, He speaks these astonishing
words... "AS MY FATHER HATH SENT ME..." that is, in the very same manner, with
the very same mission, to accomplish the very same purpose, "SO SEND I YOU"! I
would imagine that the disciples were so overwhelmed by the shear terror of the situation
that these words might have gone right over their heads. But once they received the
Spirit, He brought all things back to their remembrance, and quickened their
understanding concerning this tremendous declaration.
"As My Father hath sent me." Recently, the Lord stirred my heart to ponder these words.
How was it that Jesus was sent? What was it that compelled Him so? This question is of
vital importance to us, seeing that our commission is intimately linked to His. As He was
sent, we are sent; and what motivated Him is to be our motivation. He is the divine
Pattern for us to follow, giving us a millennial vision of God's aionian plan and purpose
in us for the world!
Probably the most familiar and well-loved of all Scriptures is John 3:16-17. Though it’s
been memorized by countless millions of believers over the years, I feel confident when I
say that at best, only a small percentage have realized it's application to our own calling
BEGOTTEN SON, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have
comfort we’ve all found in these words! "For God so loved the world, that He gave..."
The measureless bounds of that divine love was shown by the fact that He willingly gave
His life a ransom for many! He, Whose life was of infinitely far greater value than could
ever be assessed... Whose life was never tainted with the corrupting defilements of sin,
loved this sin-sick world of fallen humanity so much that He gave heaven’s best... and
laid down the life of His Sonship, in order that others might be brought to God! What a
selfless act of charity and compassion manifested toward mankind! He, Who had it all;
yea, He, Who was all, willingly gave it all, that He might redeem others back to God!
Glory to His Name!
Paul's words wax eloquent concerning this. "LET THIS MIND BE IN YOU, WHICH WAS
ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be
equal with God, but made of Himself no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a
servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, HE
HUMBLED HIMSELF, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
above every name..." (Phil. 2:5-9)! Just think of that! Though He was essentially one with
God, He left the "high and lofty place", the glory of the Father, that He might
"condescend to men of low estate"! He humbled Himself, taking upon Himself the
likeness of sinful flesh ( Rom.8:3), that He might be able to be touched with the feeling
of our infirmities! He didn’t descend from the heavenlies to prove Himself superior to
those around Him. He didn’t seek only to associate with those who had attained, or risen
to His level of spirituality (for that wou1d have been a great disappointment for Him).
Nor was He interested in building a reputation for Himself by putting others down. He
was not sent into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might
be saved! He identified with the groaning of the prisoners, being "numbered with the
transgressors", that He might "lead captivity captive, and give gifts unto men" (Eph. 4:8)!
Praise God! He, Who was Lord and Master over all, willingly became Servant to all,
lowering Himself to the unpretentious position of "foot-washer", that He, in due season,
might raise them up in the newness of life!
By this, the true heart of sonship is revealed. This heart is not the obtaining and retaining
of eternal life, spiritual blessings and/or gifts, just so we can feel good about ourselves.
Nor is it the acquiring of God's promises, in order that we might hoard them to ourselves.
And it is certainly not meant to give us a sense of superiority, which thus causes us to
look down on others of less stature. But the spirit of sonship is seen as the obtaining of
life, in order in order that we might be poured out for the life of others. It is the
possessing of life, that we might have life to give. It’s the receiving of the Spirit, that we
might impart such as we have to a groaning creation. In a word, it’s the life of giving, of
sacrifice, and of servitude; a life where possessiveness has no part. It’s the possessing of
a love consciousness, that’s ever mindful of the needs of others, and always putting them
before ourselves... a love life, that is void of condemnation, that’s constantly compelling
us to condescend to men of low estate!
In I Cor. 15:45, 47, 49, we read, "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a
living soul; the last man Adam was made a Quickening Spirit...The first man is of the
earth, earthy: the. second man is the Lord from heaven.. And as we have borne the image
of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly."
There’s a contrast made here between the first man, the man of the earth, and the last
Man, the man of Spirit. By comparison, we understand that when the natural man was
originally created, he was made "a little lower than angels"... wholly in need of the
impartation of life. While he lay formed in the dust, he had nothing to offer, nothing to
give. He could only receive. Just as the natural earth has no power of itself to produce life
or productivity except a seed be planted in it; even so, the first man was dead and lifeless,
until the Lord God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life," and raised him upon his
feet (Gen. 2:7).
Not only did Adam receive natural life at this time, but he was also given access to
spiritual life, as well. He had the opportunity to be raised up into a higher life form,
simply by partaking of that which was freely provided of the Lord. But because he chose
rather to partake of that which was forbidden, he cut himself off from "the Tree of Life"
(that is, from the spiritual life which is in Christ), thus resulting in death. This, then, is the
condition into which billions of his offspring have been conceived, being "made subject
to vanities, not willingly, but by reason of Him who hath subjected the same in hope..."
(Rom.8:20). What exactly is the hope to which the "creature" has been subjected? Verse
21 continues, "...because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of
corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God"! So that's it! There is, planted
deep within the heart of every creature, a hope of deliverance, that "even as we have
borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly"!
What does He mean when he speaks of "the image of the heavenly"? He’s referring to the
image of Christ as a "Quickening (life-giving) Spirit"! Jesus Christ, the "Last Man
Adam", not only received life, but was able to give life, as well! "In Him was life; and the
life was the light of men" (John 1:4)! Unlike the first man, who is ever in need of
deliverance, Jesus was able to impart deliverance! Hear His own Words: "For as the
Father raiseth the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth Whom He will"
(John 5:21). And again, in verse 26: "For as the Father hath life in Himself; so hath He
given to the Son to have life in Himself..." It was because He had life in Himself that He
was able to impart that life to others. Virtue went out of Him, divine life flowed like a
river to the hungry, huddled masses of the world, who sat in the darkness of depravity
and deprivation, in the region of the shadow of death. Jesus came to preach "deliverance
to the captives", to the spirits that were in prison, to all who were imprisoned in "the
bondage of corruption". There was no depth into which He would not descend; there was
no place that was too low. And the Good Shepherd manifested His love for us by the fact
that He was willing to reach down into the horrible pit and miry clay of immorality and
debauchery, in order to rescue us from certain death! This is love beyond human
We’ve read that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son". The fact
that He gave His life for the sins of the whole world is indisputably a declaration of His
great love wherewith He loved us. But sometimes, the universality of this statement can
seem almost impersonal. The truth of the matter is, God so loved the world of
mankind...and every world within it... that He gave His Son! You see, within every man
there is a private little world... a world full of complexities, diversities, anxieties, and
complications... of secret struggles, weaknesses, and worries. This is the real world,
where men live out their lives; the world about which others know little, if anything at all.
Often, when men give the appearance of being settled and secure on the outside, there’s a
turmoil going on within... a raging war, a literal hell of confusion. It’s from this world
that men cry out for deliverance, for someone else to care. Is not this the plea to which
Christ came in response, the mission field to which He was sent? While there were
certainly times when Jesus spoke to the multitudes, it must be noted that He spent a great
deal of time with individuals. He was genuinely concerned about the needs of each
person! The words of Exodus 3:7-8 enunciate the burden of His heart: "And the Lord
said, ‘I have surely seen the affliction of My people...and have heard their cry by reason
of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver
them...and to bring them up out of that land into a good land and a large...’"! This
clearly describes the mission for which Christ was sent. He descended to deliver, and to
lift men up out of "the slimepits of Egypt". And He would not cease, until He’d brought
them into "a large place" in the Spirit!
In the fourth chapter of John, we see a beautiful illustration of this. As Jesus rested on
Jacob's well, a woman of Samaria came to draw water. As she approached, He requested
that she give Him to drink. Knowing that the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans,
looking upon them as "dogs", this certainly struck her as strange that He should desire
something from her. Then Jesus said unto her, "If thou knewest the gift of God, and Who
it is that sayeth to thee, ‘Give me to drink’, thou wouldest have asked of Him, and He
would have giveth thee living water" (verse 10)! What a striking contrast between "a
living soul," which had nothing to offer, and "a Quickening (life-giving) Spirit"! In her
natural reasoning, she said to Him, "Sir, Thou hast nothing to draw with, and the well is
deep: from whence then hast thou that living water?" The one thing she failed to
understand was that the "living water" of which He spoke was not "drawn up"(requiring
the efforts of man), but, instead, came down! As you know, this is one of the
characteristics of running water. It always seeks the lowest place. In like manner, the gift
of God was flowing down to her even as they spoke! Hallelujah! Like a beautiful stream
cascading down the mountainside, the Spirit of Christ was coming down to her level,
condescending to her low estate! Praise God, He entered into her "little world,"
descending from the "uttermost" to the "guttermost," seeking the lowest place in her life!
And notice that once He’d located her, He didn’t heap condemnation upon her, pushing
her even lower, but He raised her up into the newness of life! In spite of the fact that
she’d made her "bed in hell" (ref. Psa. 139:7-8), so to speak, He was there! Though He
knew her "downsitting and uprising", and though He understood her thoughts afar off,
being acquainted with all her ways, He used none of it against her. Instead, He used it as
an occasion to offer unmerited grace to her! She received a visitation from "the Father of
mercies, the God of all comfort" (I Cor. 1:3) which changed her world. And, as a result,
she ran joyfully through the streets, proclaiming, "Come, see a man, which told me all
things that ever I did: IS NOT THIS THE CHRIST?" (Jn. 4:29)
It’s a sad, but true indictment that much of what is promoted in Christendom today is
directed toward the covetous desires of the natural man. It seeks to make converts by
emphasizing WHAT WE GET (through an acceptance of God's provisional plan), rather
than WHY WE GET IT. Make a survey of the hymns so often sung in church today, and
it won’t take long to see that the theme repeated over and over is one geared toward
selfishness; that "the blessed hope" of the church is that, any moment, we may be
raptured out of this sin-blasted, problem-laden planet, caught away to that heavenly
"Disney Land" in the sky, while the rest of our friends, relatives and loved ones, who
were less fortunate than we, are swept into a burning hell! The general idea is that we’ll
be having so much fun eating the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, swimming in the River
of Life, walking on Streets of Gold, polishing our crowns, etc., we’ll not have enough
time to think of those poor souls who are enduring great tribulation upon the earth!
Please pardon the bluntness of my comments, but such a childish message cheapens the
Gospel, by portraying heaven as a place wherein we have nothing constructive to do, and
all of eternity in which to do it! It brings our incorruptible inheritance down to the level
of infantile carnality,by seeking to literalize that which is spiritual! But, worst of all, it
robs believers of their most important hope... the hope of their being totally delivered
from the bondage of corruption, in order that they might be conformed to the image of
the heavenly! I dare say that this kind of evangelism generally produces living souls,
rather than life-giving spirits. It justifies the selfish nature of Adam in man, giving men
just cause to ignore the groaning creation around them, while they seek to secure their
own personal pleasure and preservation!
How different was the apostle Paul's attitude. In Rom. 9:1-5, we read where he was in
"great heaviness and sorrow in his heart"... being burdened for his brethren, his kinsmen
according to the flesh. In verse three, he said, "For I could wish myself accursed from
Christ for my brethren!" Imagine that, if you will. Paul was so moved with compassion,
so straightened by their spiritual blindness, that he actually willed that he might trade
places with them; insomuch that he would have actually went to hell in their place! Is not
this what it means to be "accursed from Christ"? It was this same Paul, who taught the
church in Ephesus the beautiful truth that we, who are in Christ Jesus, have already been
quickened together with Him; and that God "hath raised us up together, and made us to
sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus" ( Eph. 2:1-7)! Beloved, please
understand...this was not just some mystical terminology to Paul. He understood
"ascension life" to be a reality. He had encountered it in a way few of us have ever
experienced! And yet, he had become so united with the broken heart of Christ, so
intimately involved with His concerns, that he would have gladly descended from that
high spiritual dimension, surrendering his sonship life in the heavenlies, if it would have
led to the enlightenment of his Israelite brethren. Now that’s what it means to be moved
with compassion!
Oh, how I hope you can hear these words! God, in these last days, is preparing the hearts
of His chosen ones with a message of maturity, a word of enlightenment that everything
we have received, or ever will receive as our inheritance is not for our benefit alone. It's
ultimately for the sake of others. This must be the prime motivation for all that we do, for
this is the purpose for which we’ve been sent! We must willingly lay down our lives for
the brethren; obtaining, that we might have something to offer; freely receiving, that we
might have to freely give! We must lay hold on the high call of God in Christ Jesus, that
we might be able to effectively deliver others from the bondage of corruption into the
glorious liberty of the children of God! Hallelujah!
This is the vision which is consistently given throughout Scripture. My mind goes back to
Moses, who, after he and the Israelites had gone as far as the Lord had directed, was
called to ascend to the top of Mt. Sinai for further instructions. "And it came to pass on
the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud
upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that
was in the camp trembled... and Mt. Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord
descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and
the whole mount quaked greatly...and THE LORD CAME DOWN upon Mt. Sinai, on
the top of the mount: and THE LORD CALLED MOSES UP to the top of the mount;
AND MOSES WENT UP" (Ex. 19:1, 18, 20). Imagine this awe-inspiring scene, if you
will. Moses alone was allowed to enter into the fiery cloud high atop Mt. Sinai, amidst
thunderings, lightnings, and the voice of the trumpet. He was allowed to witness things
that no other man was permitted to behold. He was "caught up," so to speak, to meet the
Lord in the midst of the glory cloud! It was in this place, in the presence of God, that he
received the Commandments, the designs for the Tabernacle, and the unique privilege to
behold the glory of the Lord through a face-to-face encounter. Furthermore, he entered
into an experience which, I believe, actually transcended the laws of nature. Nowhere in
Scripture do we read that during those forty days and forty nights, Moses had anything to
eat or drink. This leads me to believe that throughout this entire experience, he was
independent of natural sustenance for his existence. It’s not difficult for me to believe
that he was nurtured and sustained by the presence of Divinity (in fact, I can’t imagine
why thoughts of food, drink, or sleep would even come into his mind)!
While Moses was no doubt blessed by this experience, he knew that he was not there for
selfish reasons. Neither was he there to obtain "boasting rights"! He had gone up as an
intercessor for, and as a representative of the people. Therefore, he ascended into the
cloud with a purpose... that he might descend in due season with a blessing for others. He
transported the glory upon his countenance, the Word of the Lord in his hands, and a
revelation of God's plan in his heart, to the multitudes waiting at the foot of the mount.
He became GOD'S VISITATION TO HIS PEOPLE, condescending to men of low estate,
in order that he might lead them toward the fullness of their inheritance! Hallelujah!
Had Moses believed the popular escapist theology of our times, he might have easily
forgotten his brethren, and the tremendous problems which they faced as a nation. After
all, just think about it for a moment. Old Moses had it made! He didn't have a thing in the
world to worry about, as long as he was in that high and lofty place with the Lord! He
was in paradise! But just listen to the burden of his heart in Ex. 32, verses 31-32: "And
Moses returned unto the Lord, and said, ‘Oh, this people have sinned a great sin, and
have made them gods of gold. Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin --- ; and if not, BLOT
heart was with God's people, insomuch that, if they didn't receive mercy and forgiveness
for their sins, he refused to go on without them! Moses could not be content to remain in
his blissful state while others were separated from God. His spirit groaned deeply within
him for their deliverance...and, as a result, THE LORD HEARD HIS PRAYER!
Can you imagine that sacred scene from Old Testament times, when, on the Day of
Atonement, the High Priest passed through the veil into the Holiest of Holies? What a
wonderful privilege this was, to meet with God in the place which He had determined.
This was an honor reserved for ONE MAN, ONE TIME, at the end of the year! In order
to have this meeting, however, the High Priest took incense in his hands, and a censor full
of burning coals from the brazen altar. Placing the censor upon the Mercy Seat between
the cherubim, he cast the incense into it, which, in turn, caused a cloud of smoke to
arise... and the Lord met with him in the midst of the cloud! Ah, beloved, God manifested
Himself in all of His splendor and majesty, mighty to save!
While he tarried in the manifest presence of God, vast multitudes were waiting on the
outside. Every eye was looking for a sign of his glorious appearing. Their forgiveness,
blessing and future depended on it! You see, the High Priest was not there simply to
enjoy the spectacular scenery. He was not there to merely bask in the glory. He entered
vicariously, to make atonement for the sins of the whole nation, and to receive
instructions from the Most High.
Upon the High Priest’s breastplate were twelve beautiful gemstones, representing each of
the tribes of Israel in their respective order. He bore those names upon his heart into the
throne room of God, that they might receive mercy and grace to help them in their time of
need. Imagine, if you will, with what a dazzling brilliance these must have shone, as the
glory of God's presence engulfed the Most Holy Place. Those representative "stones of
fire" not only reflected, but were literally filled with heavenly light, absorbing the effects
of that divine visitation. Therefore, when the High Priest exited from behind the veil, he
bore the glory of God to the people! He brought hope and encouragement to the wearied
masses of men, because his very appearance gave them the assurance that Yahweh had
been pleased to forgive them!
We find a most wondrous account given in the gospels concerning Christ's ascension into
a high mountain with Peter, James, and John. Our story is found in Matt. 17:1-21, Mark
9:2-29, and Luke 9:27-43. Having entered into a season of prayer, a remarkable thing
took place. As did the face of Moses on Sinai, Jesus began to shine with a radiance
brighter than ten thousand suns. He was magnificently transfigured before his disciple's
eyes. In fact, His raiment even shimmered white and glistering. If this were not enough,
the images of Moses and Elijah were also included in the vision! What a day this must
have been!
To complete the picture, we read that a cloud overshadowed them, and "they feared as
they entered into the cloud"! You probably recall the rest of the story. The voice of the
Father spoke out of the midst of the cloud; and, afterward, the disciples saw no man, save
Jesus only. Much could be said concerning these things, and volumes could be written.
But the part which we’d like to point out is what happened next. As they descended from
the top of the mount the next day, there were great multitudes awaiting them. "And
straightway all the people, when they beheld him, were greatly amazed, and running to
him, saluted him" (Mark 9:15). The reason they’d gathered was because a certain man
had brought his lunatic son to Jesus' disciples for healing, but had not received it.
Therefore, they were all looking for someone caring enough, and compassionate enough
to condescend into this man’s realm of torment, his private hell, and rebuke the devil
which resided there! (We would be remiss not to point out how perfectly that this
madman represents the wild, rebellious state of fallen humanity... raging, sorely vexed,
foaming at the mouth, and gnashing with his teeth; tossed to and fro from one extreme to
another... writhing and wallowing on the ground like a beast...and desperately in need of
deliverance from the bondage of corruption! Isn't that the truth?) But, praise God, there
was One who came to "proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to
them that are bound" (Isa. 61:1)! He descended to deliver, and to destroy the works of the
devil. He stepped down into that man's driven, demented world, which was co-habited by
demon powers; and by the power of the Spirit, He drove them out!
Eph. 4:8-10 tells us, "Wherefore He saith, When He ascended up on high, He led
captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. Now that He ascended, what is it but that He
also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also
that ascended up far above all heavens, that He might fill all things."
The greatest example of compassionate condescension has to be that of our Savior's
descent into the realm of humanity. He was unequivocally God’s greatest gift to men!
The very fact that Christ willingly chose to be "made like unto sinful flesh" is almost
more than we can fathom. He came down from heaven, stooping down, as we have seen,
to the lowest level of mankind. But He didn’t stop there. He actually descended into the
lower parts of the earth...not because of any sin that He’d committed, but for the sake of
those committed by others. But while He entered into the subterranean realm of darkness,
the netherworld of departed spirits as a captive prisoner, He made His departure as a
conquering King! As a result, when He ascended up "far above all heavens," He led
captivity captive. ..AND GAVE GIFTS UNTO MEN!
Prior to His crucifixion, He assured His disciples of His coming again unto them. For
forty days after His resurrection, He spoke to them of things pertaining to the Kingdom.
Then, just before the cloud received Him out of their sight, He commanded them "that
they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which,
saith He, ye have heard of Me. For John truly baptized with water; but ye shall be
baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence" (Acts 1:4-5). For the next ten days,
they ascended into an upper room, continuing in prayer and supplications, and earnestly
waiting for the promised gift. Finally, unexpectedly, "when the day of Pentecost was
fully come," there came "a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind"...and the
Lord, whom they sought, came suddenly into His Temple (Mal. 3:1)! Praise God, He
returned, just as He’d promised!
Just as the glory of the Lord on Sinai was described by Moses as "devouring fire on the
top of the mount in the eyes of the children of Israel" (Ex. 24:1), we read in Acts 2:3-4
that "there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat on each of them.
And they were all FILLED with the Holy Ghost..."! Not only did God light upon them in
flaming fire, but He also "sent forth the Spirit of His Son into their hearts, crying Abba,
Father" (Gal. 4:6)! The Great High Priest passed beyond the veil of their flesh, groaning
and travailing from within his "living" temple for the needs of others! What a wondrous
gift! Christ in them gave them the hope of glory (Col.1:27)!
As Jesus had promised, they were "endued with power from on high" (Lk. 24:49).
Furthermore, they were "raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places
in Christ" (Eph. 2:6). But was it merely for their enjoyment alone? Obviously not. For
when they descended from that upper room, "having the glory of God," He descended
within them. And they discovered that they’d received power for service! There was a
manifestation, a demonstration of the compassionate Christ in action, as He flowed out of
His temple, condescending from within His disciples to the multitudes below. From this
point on, the ministry of Christ continued uninterrupted to the masses of humanity...
healing the sick, casting out devils, curing diseases, raising the dead! Traditionally, we’ve
referred to this as "the acts of the apostles"; but the truth of the matter is, it was THE
ACTS OF CHRIST IN HIS CHURCH! They were merely "the habitation of God;" the
means by which Great High Priest was brought into contact with the world! He entered
into their little "worlds," that they might transport Him "into ALL the world" (Mk.
Can you remember when the Lord first entered your little world? I can. Our inward lives
were as crime-infested, poverty-stricken, morally depraved, riot-torn, or problem-ridden
as any of the cities around this natural world. And though some of us might be too proud
to admit it, I believe that every one of us have had a "skid row" within, an inner-city
street in the "slum area" of our hearts, where the "derelicts" of society lived; the "bums"
of depression, guilt, lusts, fear, frustration, anxiety, and multiple phobias! It was there, on
the "bad side of town," that the "riffraff" hung out...the bad spirits that habitually
influenced us in thoughts and acts of corruption. At that time, we were "without Christ...
having no hope, and without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12). But, praise God, all that
began to change, when God "sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts" (Gal. 4:6)!
He condescended into our hearts to begin AN URBAN RENEWAL PROGRAM; to
transform our "skid rows" into "streets of gold"! Listen to II Cor. 5:17-18, from the New
English Version: "When anyone is united to Christ, THERE IS A NEW WORLD; THE
last, this has been the work of God"! Hallelujah! He’s renovating these hearts of ours into
a world where He can be pleased to dwell; a place where He has absolute rule and
authority! And you can believe that He will enter every avenue and dark corridor of our
lives, completely illuminating our innermost being as the Light of OUR world, until all
that is within us will bless His holy Name!
Why is it that He’s gone to such lengths to deliver us? And why is it that He’ll not rest,
until His work within us is complete? The reason is so we might be able to bring that
same deliverance to the rest of creation! You see, once He has transformed our inner
world into a habitation for His glory, then we can be effectual in transforming the world
around us! This, dear friends, is the hope of the creature..."for the earnest expectation of,
the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God" (Rom. 8:19)! Hallelujah!
John was privileged to behold the church in its transfigured state, when once the veil has
been removed, and God’s model "city" is seen in all of its glory. "And I John saw the
holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned
for her Husband.. And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I MAKE ALL THINGS
NEW". After this, he was told, "Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb's wife.
And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that
great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God, having the glory of
God" (Rev. 21). Someone might ask, "Why is it that the Bride is coming DOWN OUT of
heaven? I thought heaven was the final destination for God’s people, the place where
everyone wanted to go!" The reason for this collective depopulation is because of the
burdened appeal of creation! Beloved, it’s as certain as any promise made in God’s
Word. There’s coming a glorious church, unlike anything ever witnessed before... a
privileged church, which has been caught up to the highest heaven, to the very throne of
God. But it will also be a church, which, because of the spirit of sonship at its heart, will
not be able to ignore the groaning of the prisoners who still dwell in the region and
shadow of death! It is this church which will come down from the heavenlies in High
Priestly attire; bearing the gem-studded breastplate, which is the burden of mankind upon
its heart. It will descend from heaven with deliverance, with power, and with authority, to
set the captives free! Imagine that, if you will; a church, so virtuous and bright, that the
nations of the world will walk in the light thereof, and the kings of the earth will bring
their glory and honor to it. Imagine these same kings submitting themselves to its
authority, and seeking wisdom from its mouth! We say unto you that even as it was in the
days of Daniel, Moses, Elijah, and of Joseph, the hour will come when the heads of
nations will turn from the advice of their sooth-sayers, prognosticators, and heathen
advisory panels, to hear the voice of one "greater than Solomon," the incarnate wisdom of
When society creates more problems than it can handle; when conditions become so
severe that man's very existence is threatened; and as humanity comes to the brink of
collapse, GOD WILL INTERVENE. He will provide the Answer! His Word has declared
Even now, God is preparing that answer: A PEOPLE, with whom He is dealing, and in
whom He is forming a servant's heart. These people are not concerned with getting their
"pie in the sky," or with receiving "a mansion on the hilltop." They are not interested in
receiving gifts and power, only to be glamorized as lords and gods over God’s heritage.
Instead, they are those who are interceding in behalf of a desperate humanity! Beloved, if
we intend on being a part of that blessed company, we MUST plead the cause, we MUST
be moved with compassion, we MUST stand in the gap, and we MUST make up the
hedge for the lost and dying! We MUST become so identified with the hurts and wounds
of the world around us, so broken over their condition, that we would actually take their
place, if it would effectuate their liberation. When we fully arrive at that point, God will
not withhold any good thing from us. He will give us the fullness of our spiritual
                          Terry Crisp

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Matei 5:11 Ferice va fi de voi când, din pricina Mea, oamenii vă vor ocărî, vă vor prigoni şi vor spune tot felul de lucruri rele şi neadevărate împotriva voastră!