I wouldn’t have known
Autor: Natalia Marin
Album: fara album
Categorie: Diverse
I wouldn't have Known what joy could mean;
Had I not walked through sorrow.

And peace I wouldn't understand;
Had I not felt His guiding hand.

I wouldn't have known what victory's worth
Had I not faced and fought temptation.

I wouldn't have grasped the cost of grace
Had I not Known about Golgotha

I wouldn't have known what mercy gave
Had He not come my sins to save

I wouldn't have Known this gift divine
Had Grace not met me, time by time.

I wouldn't have known love's light so true
Had Christ not come to lead me through
Preluat de la adresa: https://www.resursecrestine.ro/poezii/293028/i-wouldn-t-have-known